Thursday, June 20, 2013

japanese udon miso soup

this soup is to die for. and thank goodness it is really easy to make! hardest part was finding miso and i ended up getting yellow miso instead of white miso because that was all they had after visiting several different grocery stores but it turned out delicious anyways! here is the recipe i used and slightly modifying some things each time i made it depending on what i had. feel free to add more or less of certain things to your liking.

yes, nice asian bowl and spoon to match!

  • one 12-ounce package udon noodles
  • four cups vegetable stock (i ended up adding another cup of regular water since it seemed i had plenty of noodles and i didn't it too thick) 
  • 1/2 cup thinly sliced carrots
  • 1/2 cups snow peas, sliced diagonly
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms
  • 2 tblsp white miso (or yellow if that's all you got)
  • 1/2 cup green onions
how to:
  1. cook udon noodles according to package directions, drain and set aside
  2. in a large saucepan bring stock to a boil
  3. lower the heat to medium and add the carrots and cook until carrots are crisp tender
  4. add the snow peas and cook until slightly tender but bright green
  5. add the mushrooms and cook until tender about 1 minute and remove from heat
  6.  spoon the miso in small bowl and a ladel full of hot broth. whisk the broth until miso is completely dissolved and then pour entire mixture in the soup pot
  7. do not boil the soup with miso, end with adding udon noodles and green onions

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