Saturday, December 21, 2013

natural products

i've been on a mission to slowly acquire and replace my previous everyday beauty products with more natural ones. so i thought i would post about what i am currently using on a daily basis and seems to work for me.


1. coconut oil 

i could and probably will write a separate post solely on the numerous uses and benefits of coconut oil. but in relation to skin it is an excellent moisturizer that i apply before bed. you only need a pea size amount because a little of it goes a long way. first you want to wash your face with warm water and then rub the small amount between your hands so it melts and then spread it in a circular motion all around your face. i sometimes even use it on my lips as a moisturizer.

coconut oil is a natural antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antibacterial so it can definitely help your skin feel and look better. i certainly notice a difference when i wake up in the morning. at first your skin will feel greasy after applying it since it is an oil but after a few minutes it should absorb nicely right into your skin.

2. apple cider vinegar (acv)

recently i've heard about the benefits of acv for when it comes to skin care and i use it quite often now. it has anti inflammatory properties so it will help reduce breakouts and minimize those that you already have. i have read that you can dilute it with water and drink it as well as an acne treatment. i actually challenged myself to take acv "shots" everyday but it was so strong and i could not stand the burning i felt in my esophagus even after following it up with chocolate milk. so now i just use it as a toner.

to use it you simply put a few drops on a cotton ball and dab it on your skin as a spot treatment. it will have a super strong, nasty smell but it goes away eventually and i don't even mind it that much anymore. i definitely would suggest doing it before bed after washing your face and once it dries completely you can follow it up with the coconut oil as a moisturizer.

3. tea tree oil

tea tree oil has been used for centuries as a topical treatment and is used as an acne treatment for many people. it is an antiseptic and anti-fungal that has been shown to work just as well as 5% benzoyl peroxide but with less side effects. you first have to dilute it with water using only a few drops for every tablespoon of water. you can take a q-tip or cotton ball and dab it on your skin where you need it most. like any treatment it will take time to see results. oh and never swallow it because it is toxic.

4. vitamin e

this oil is another night time beauty aid that will help with wrinkles, dry skin and even help fade scars. you can buy the capsule kind that is meant to be ingested but instead you can puncture a hole to spread that on your face or you can buy the topical kind i did above. i would avoid it if you already have oily skin but again use it after washing your face before going to bed. it will also protect you from the sun!

5. lush shampoo and face mask

recently i was at the lush store and bought the two products above, which i must say i absolutely love. the shampoo lathers extremely well and my hair feels so much softer and looks much shinier, i swear. not to mention its a natural product that smells really clean and fresh. it is definitely the most expensive product on this list but i think it's well worth it.

the second product (below) that i bought is the face mask that turns green just like face masks in the movies. a little goes a long way here as well and it smells really great which is always good when you have to leave it on for a while. it may be weird but your face really feels minty fresh in a such a good way.

+++ please feel free to share what you use or if any of the above ^ has worked for you!


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