Thursday, January 9, 2014

changing your fitness mindset

so weight is funny thing.

a lot of people struggle with their weight and self acceptance when it comes to their body image, whether it is they weigh too much or not enough. and we certainly have all been there. this post is about finding the right reasons and mindset to changing yourself for the better without only focusing on the numbers.

from a health perspective, i think that you cannot base how healthy someone is on the inside from a number. it is possible to be within the "normal" weight range for your height and age but be completely unhealthy, sick and simply feel like crap. and it is also possible to be out of the "normal" weight range, either over or under, and still be completely healthy, fit, and feel great. sometimes a number is just a number.

from a vanity perspective though, who gives a damn. we are all wired to look differently, to carry weight in different places of our body, we all have different areas we struggle with, and some things we simply cannot change. for example, it's incredible annoying that i gain weight first and foremost straight to my lower abdomen. and yes, i feel like i'm constantly sporting a food baby, especially right after i eat (i blame my short mid section).

i could make a hefty list of all the things i want to change but to be quite honest, lately i love every single one of those things about myself. it is quite simply who i am and what i look like. i like to think it all just adds character ; ). changing is not my priority and my weight doesn't stop me from eating what i love (hello, sweet tooth). i don't believe in "dieting" either, only lifestyle diets.

the truth is, you will never and cannot satisfy everyone when it comes to your weight and body image. someone, somewhere, will always think you're either underweight or overweight and their negative opinions simple don't matter. the only think that matters is what YOU feel. even when it comes to constructive advice, at the end of the day you know how you feel about your body and what you need to do. we are all perfectly imperfect. your weight doesn't define who you are.

personally, my focus is always first and foremost how i'm feeling. the only time i ever step on a scale is when i go to the doctor (rare). mostly because the number is generally always the same and means nothing to me. even when it comes to working out, if i am running i try not to look at the numbers and simply just run for the love of running. hitting a certain mileage doesn't matter anymore, and i don't get down on myself when i don't run as long or hard as yesterday. i just run how much i can and stop when i can't run anymore. same goes for lifting.  i know my body and i know it does no good to try and fool yourself. so listen to your body and what it needs from you today.

the only thing that matters is that you continue with whatever exercise you choose and make it a part of your daily routine as best you can. same goes for yoga, i always do how much i can and for however long i feel like. every day is different and i genuinely enjoy doing yoga because it makes me feel great, the rest is just a bonus. the reason i started yoga was simply because it was fun for me. now i enjoy the toning benefits and flexibility just by practicing different headstands, handstands, stretches and basically doing fun poses. i try not to take exercise too seriously but learn to enjoy it for all its benefits and most importantly, have a good time doing it.

basically, the only person you need to worry about is yourself and your goals. don't compare yourself to anyone else. focus on what you're interested in changing and why. whether is it to gain muscle, be more flexible, lose weight, feel better, feel stronger, feel happier, release stress, clear your head, have more energy etc. find out what it is you want and why.

live in moderation, don't try and deprive yourself of everything and hurry up the results. that doesn't work for anybody or last very long. find activities you enjoy and remind yourself why you are doing it when it seems like a chore. having a specific reason to hit the gym or mat will make it much easier to sustain a regular practice.

keep patient, and the results with come.

however, always remember that true happiness doesn't come with a certain size, shape or pounds lost or gained. be happy now, and be fit/healthy/happy/strong/flexible for yourself and no one else.

because you can.
aim high & true


here are some quick tips in sticking to your exercise plans/ resolutions

1. make time - if you use a planner or calendar, write it down and map out your week. consider this time you have carved out for yourself, whether it is a half hour or hour, as highly important just like any other appointment. things happen of course, so if you absolutely have to miss it it is just fine. resume tomorrow.

2. prepare - after you have written it down on paper what your week will involve when it comes to exercise, it is highly beneficial to prepare your workout outfit, shoes, and anything you need in your duffel bag or whatever you use if you are going somewhere outside of your house to workout. for example, if you have an early morning workout, prepare your things the night before so you literally it it first thing in the morning. you can even leave you bag next to the door so you don't ever forget it on your way out.

3. make it a date -find a friend or workout buddy that you can prearrange meet up times. you will less likely stand up your friend because you just don't feel like going. having a buddy to workout with is highly beneficial to get you motivated and out the door. whether it is going for a walk, run, yoga class, or going to the gym, find someone that would like to join you sometime. preferably same time every week so it becomes something you can expect regularly and make time for.

finally, i am a firm believer that mindful eating and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to losing weight and being healthy. so don't think you can hit the gym like mad and completely forget about your diet. it will all catch up to you one day. be healthy from the inside ---> out !

progress is all that matters and all forward motion counts.

may you be healthy & happy !
: )

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