Sunday, January 5, 2014

yoga for menstruation

it's that time of the month for me and boy i was not a happy camper this morning.  i woke up with zero interest in doing yoga and an incredible desire to just stay in bed, forever. but then i thought, even if i only accomplish shavasana / corpse pose that'll be enough. so remember, just because you had a really intense and awesome practice yesterday, today that may not be what you need. listen to your body, what kind of practice do you need today?

as long as you do something, that is all that matters. i generally do a lighter practice in the morning when i feel much more stiff or sore and a more vigorous one in the evening. i love both equally. 

most times 99% of the battle is getting dressed and onto the mat. fact: no one ever regretted doing a yoga practice after it was complete.

i started my practice by laying on my back doing some gentle stretches, moving incredibly slow and breathing deeply. then i looked at the list of poses i wanted to try for my cramps and started completing them one by one. for a visual here are the ten poses you can try specifically for cramps and lower back pain but you can of course practice these at any time, like i often do. 

i would recommend holding each pose as long as you can. don't be afraid to just sit in a pose 5 minutes + and breathe. you can go in and out of the pose as much as you want and each time you will feel looser and stretch farther. but for the most part, if it's that time of the month, best thing you can do is just relax and take your mind off the discomfort. for me, these poses definitely seem to help!

have a wonderful day! 


1. camel pose one arm extended

2. camel pose

3. reclined butterfly pose

4. fish pose

5. childs pose


6. childs pose variation

7. legs up the wall (literally should be a wall here when you practice)

8. one leg forward bend- head to knee

9. wide angle seated forward bend

10. wide angle seated forward bend- variation

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