Tuesday, December 31, 2013

beginning yoga

this post is all about where to begin your yoga practice : )

i think a lot of people find it difficult to all of a sudden start doing yoga as a form of exercise. since there are many ways to learn yoga, which is the best?

in general the best advice is to simply just start and don't take it too seriously. as a beginner the best way to learn, i believe, is taking a real life class with an instructor. usually instructors i've had don't always do too much hands on correcting (even though it's nice when they do) however, it is extremely helpful when yoga studios have mirrors so you can see yourself doing the poses. if there aren't any mirrors at least you can mirror your instructor and other students the best you can.

classes are the best for beginners who don't know the basics and you will learn them quickly by taking a class. and of course instructors guide you through a series and even tell you when to exhale and inhale which i think is the trickiest part.

going into a yoga class the best advice is to remember to focus on the way the pose feels and your breathing and not only what it looks like. if you're in a pose that you can't comfortably take deep breaths then take it down a notch and do an easier version where you can breathe for at least 3 full inhales and exhales. i guarantee that the more you take deep breathes the deeper you will go in your pose and the easier it will be. with good breaths the pose and flow will eventually come.

other ways to learn yoga that i have done are simply searches for yoga sequences or routines, finding youtube videos, following yogi's such as tara stiles (great instructor, with a variety amount of videos you can follow along to) and kathryn budig.

i own two dvd's right now for yoga and my beginner one that i started with was "rodney yee's a.m. yoga for your week" later i got "shiva rea's core yoga" (definitely a challenge!). i also own a book that was recommended to me called "ashtanga yoga: the practice manual" by david swenson and it has wonderful pictures and sequences that make it easy to follow.

there are many different types of yoga and I have always done only ashtanga yoga. ashtanga means the eight limbs of yoga and is a style that is athletic, vigorous and focuses on the breath and flow.

try and challenge yourself to do yoga every day even if it's 15-20 minutes. it is better to practice everyday rather than for several hours but only few days a week. be consistent and find a place for it in your daily routine. keep your self inspired whatever way works for you. and if you fall out of it just get back into it whenever you feel ready, no judgement. i have started and stopped practicing yoga many times since high school and practiced in varying amounts but it is the only thing that i always seem to go back to. right now it has become my main form of daily exercise.

finally, when it comes to headstands, handstands and any other inversion you don't need to master the basics before you try them, so feel free to experiment with those but always stay safe. lately, i do my own routines based on what i feel like which differs greatly if it is morning or evening yoga. most of my inspiration these days is simply photos from various social media sources and yogis that i follow. my favorite: tumblr and instagram.

what to bring to a yoga class? 

most yoga classes have extra yoga mats for you to use but feel free to buy yourself one and bring that with if you think you'll be doing yoga often. for your outfit definitely wear tighter workout clothes that fit you well. i would suggest not wearing shorts tight or not since you might be spending more time pulling then down and fixing them than focusing on your pose. even worse is when everyone can see your privates when you're bending every which way. so stick with tight capris or long leggings.

for your top i'd definitely recommend a well fitted sports bra with a tightly fitted long tank. tanks keep you covered no matter how you twist and they stay in place. avoid t-shirts and shirts that a revealing or don't fit well. if you do a downward dog and your shirt slips down and blocks your view, it is probably not a good fit.

everyone is more focused on what they're doing in the yoga class than what you're wearing so go with something well fitted and comfortable. also double check any jewelry that may get in the way.
a lot of people like to keep their socks on for yoga and i'm not sure why because it's ten times easier to do yoga without. you're feet with give your traction so let go of the socks. finally, bring water!

lastly, every yoga class usually ends with the word namaste

literal translation: " i bow to you"
I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace.

The spirit within me bows to the spirit within you.

got any questions?
you can: write a comment, send me an email {  veganaesthetic@gmail.com } or message me on any of my social media links via the home page.

~ namaste

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